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Living life focused on the "Essential Rocks"


Living life focused on the "Essential Rocks"


Are you drowning in stress, anxiety, and overwhelm just from living your "everyday" life?


At Rocks Before Sand, we teach you how to stop building a sand castle life that is constantly being drowned by the waves of your circumstances.

We show you how to move to higher ground and build your life on the rocks...the essential rocks, so you can whether any storm. 

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Finding a

more harmonious life

Just look at the rocks in the image and think of all the demands that are made of you. Stressful right?

At Rocks Before Sand, we show you how to find harmony among all the areas of your life. Want to know how? Click the learn more button below.


Life is too short to not enjoy it, so we plan on helping you do just that.

This blog is made up of a team of writers that will share their stories and insights to help foster reflection, growth, and encouragement to build us, our families, relationships, and careers on the essential rocks. Through the Rocks Before Sand Community, not only will we withstand all the storms that come our way...we'll actually enjoy the various seasons that life brings.. 

Our goal is to be a constant inspiration to put ROCKS BEFORE SAND.

Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. ROCKS BEFORE SAND!

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Together, we build a life that focuses on the essential rocks


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