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2022 Back To School Prayer for Students, Parents, Educators, & Legislators

faith parenting prayer school Aug 12, 2022
back to school prayer

5 minute read
by Bethany Rees


I know every teacher, parent, student, administrator, community member, and politician has strong opinions about education.

Lord knows, I do! I have very strong emotions when it comes to how I feel about education in general. 

Being in the profession 18 years, having taught literally every single grade K-12, and fulfilling roles from substitute to teacher to coach, to administrator…I have very deep feelings about our kids, our teachers, our administrators, our parents, our community, and our government policies. 

While my surface level emotions tell me to get on my soapbox and debate government policies, research and best practices in education, quality leadership and parenting, and the lack of attention to the psychological development of people…a rant from me won’t fix anything in education.

With all of us talking, and honestly probably none of us listening to what the others are saying…I believe it’s time we all come together to just pray. 

So let’s pray over this school year. Let’s pray over our students, our teachers, our parents, our administrators, our legislators and all the dynamics and expectations in between. 

Let’s ask God, who knows all things, and sees all things to humble us and our opinions and heal our educational “land.” 

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father, 

We humbly come to you in prayer for our students, parents, educators, and legislators. 

Lord God, be with our students. 

They are your precious children that you have entrusted to our care and oh how we love them, and truly want the best for them. Please put a hedge of protection around their heart and minds as they are exposed to the unkind and evil things of this world. 

Quiet the negative influences of the world and protect their budding identities and faith. Let their identities and self worth be found in You and You alone. 

Remove the distractions of technology and help their growing brains to focus on gaining wisdom and knowledge in relationship building, communication, problem solving, perseverance, and yes even their school classes. 

Give them the strength to overcome the lies of rejection, fear, and shame, and to resist any temptations before them. 

Bless our children and the paths laid before them. 

Lord God, be with our parents. 

Raising children is the most rewarding yet most difficult thing we ever do in our lives. Grow our faith in and relationship with You so we may be good stewards of the precious children you have given us. 

Give us wisdom and discernment in our parenting so we know how to model and provide the foundational faith and skills our children need to overcome the many challenges life will throw at them. 

Give us strength to set boundaries for our children and to stand firm when they try to crash through them. 

Give us joy and patience for every stage of their physical, mental, and emotional development. Give us the ears to listen to them, the words to comfort them, the wisdom to advise them, and the backbone to discipline them. 

Remove our knee jerk reaction to blame and attack schools, and instead show us how to work with our schools to build the best environment for our kids. Show us how to engage in conversation that creates unity, not division and blame.

Reveal to us what our top priorities should be as a family so we don’t spend our precious time chasing after the treasures of this world (money, accomplishment, pleasures, etc). Help us disciple our families and focus on what truly matters: loving Jesus and loving others. 

Lord God, be with our educators. 

From our school bus drivers, custodians, and cafeteria workers to our paraprofessionals, teachers, counselors, and administrators. 

Quiet the anxiety they often feel from the constant mandates placed upon them, the constant demands for their attention, and the constant conflict the world brings to their profession. 

Everyday give them your eyes to see each child for who You created them to be, not for who the world says they are. 

Give them the vision to see the priorities in front of them and to have the strength to say no to the lesser things. 

Remove any knee jerk reactions to blame the child and home, and instead show them how to work with their students and parents to build the best learning environment. Show them how to engage in conversation that creates unity, not division and blame.

Help them to reject the lies that they aren’t enough. Help them to see, know, and feel their worth. Where would our children be without our precious educators?

Bless the work of their hands, the words they speak, and the relationships they build. Speak to them and through them so they give life and hope to our children. 

Be with their own families and help each educator find harmony between serving other people’s children and serving their own. 

Lord God, be with our legislators.

Humble them and let them seek Your constant guidance in all things.

Let them listen to current educators, children, and parents and quiet the noise of current trends and polls that tell them how to get re-elected.

Please give them wisdom and discernment as they make decisions that affect millions of children, educators, and families.

Lord God, Be with this school year.

Bless our children, parents, educators, and legislators. Let us all humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our land. 

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. 


Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Humble Ourselves and Pray

Rocks before Sand!


If people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“ 

~2 Chronicles 7:14

Theme Song: 

The Blessing - Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes

References Used:


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