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Why Buzzwords Fail: The Power of Clear, Simple Communication

better living communication Sep 28, 2024
Why buzzwords fail: the power of clear simple communication

4 minute read 
by Bethany Rees

The Corporate Jargon Jungle

Picture this: “Alright. Listen up team! In order to get our ‘return on investment’ we really need to take a ‘deep dive’ into the ‘minimum viable product’ we just launched, so we know how it ‘differentiates’ us from our competitors in order to have the biggest ‘impact’ on our stakeholders while also supporting our ‘sustainability’ goal.”

Sounds like a PowerPoint presentation gone rogue, doesn’t it? If you’ve ever sat through a meeting where the air was thick with buzzwords, you know the struggle is real. It’s like a linguistic obstacle course where you’re expected to dodge jargon and leap over clichés just to make sense of the conversation.

Church Jargon: When Theology Turns Complex

And then, there’s the church world, where buzzwords take on a divine twist. Imagine trying to explain your faith to a non-believer and suddenly turning into a theological thesaurus. “You see, my friend, the concept of salvation is crucial here, as it leads to sanctification, which is part of our denomination’s belief system. Redemption is essential, and justification is what makes it all work. We believe in omnipotence and omnipresence of God, which means He’s everywhere and all-powerful.”

By the end of that explanation, your friend is probably more confused than enlightened. It’s as if you’ve unleashed a torrent of theological terms with the chaos of a hurricane, leaving them drenched in church-related jargon.

The Pitfalls of Overusing Buzzwords

It’s not that buzzwords are inherently bad; they just add more confusion than clarification. Our goal in communication should be to seek understanding, not to sound like we’re auditioning for a role in a corporate thriller or for a theological leadership position.

Less Buzz, More Connection: Why Simplicity Wins

The heart of effective communication isn’t about flaunting your vocabulary or impressing others with your buzzword arsenal. It’s about making sure your message is clear and that the person you’re speaking with understands and connects with what you’re saying. 

Keeping communication simple and focused on the person in front of you helps bridge gaps and fosters genuine dialogue.

Imagine you’re having a conversation with someone. Instead of bombarding them with industry jargon or complex theological terms, take a moment to gauge their level of understanding and adjust your language accordingly. 

It’s not about dumbing things down but rather about making your message accessible and relatable.

In the end, communication is a two-way street. It’s not just about what you say but also about how it’s received. So, next time you’re tempted to throw around buzzwords or highfalutin terms, remember that the goal is to connect and ensure understanding. 

Sometimes, the simplest words are the most powerful. So, ditch the jargon, keep it clear, and focus on the person in front of you. After all, meaningful communication is about bridging hearts and minds, not just filling the air with fancy words.

Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Communicate Simply.

Rocks before Sand!


Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” ~ Colossians 4:6

Theme Song: 

Leanna Crawford - Simple (Lyrics)

References Used:

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