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We are Made for COMMUNITY

better living community faith friendship mental health stress Sep 27, 2023

5 minute read
By Bethany Rees


Last weekend I did something I’ve never done before…

I attended a women’s retreat in the Smoky Mountains with a bunch of people that I didn’t know. 


Showing up at a cabin in the woods with a bunch of strangers…that does not sound like me…at all!

That sounds more like the start of a horror film. 

But I was desperate!

Desperate for connection

Desperate for understanding

Desperate for encouragement

Desperate to know that I wasn’t the only one going through what I was going through. 

Now you may be asking yourself what led to my desperation when I have such amazing friends already. 

Y’all, I do have amazing friends! Many of which read this very blog, but none of them are doing the same thing I’m doing. Thus the result of my current journey has bred a loneliness that I’ve never felt before. 

For almost two decades I was an educator and Lord knows there were plenty of people that I worked with that understood that walk of life. 

But now, my path has gone in a different direction. My current journey of being a woman entrepreneur, podcaster, blogger, coach, and want-to-be author is way different than any other path I’ve ever walked before. 

So this past weekend, I drove 9 hours to stay in a cabin in the woods with other Christian women who are doing the same thing I’m doing.

Women who started out as strangers, quickly became friends and mentors… all because we have a deep understanding of each other’s journey.

(Go-Getter Girl Getaway Sponsored by Rebecca George, Author of the book "Do The Thing")

For the past 3 years I’ve been doing “my thing” alone.

Reading books to understand entrepreneurship. Reading more books to understand the art of writing. Creating content alone in an office with no one to share ideas with or to get feedback from. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE what I do (and I truly believe God called me to do what I’m doing), but as usual God is so good to show me the errors of my human ways.

He did NOT create me to walk this journey (or any journey) alone.

And trust me, I’ve tried hard to be self-sufficient. Saying to myself, I’ve got this or I can make it through this “season.” 


God created you and me for relationship…for community. 

He never wants us to think that we have to walk alone in this life, no matter where our paths are leading. 

Whether you are walking the journey of...

  • Business
  • Education
  • Leadership
  • Grief
  • Divorce
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Career Highs/Lows
  • Child-Rearing
  • Marriage Problems
  • Or Anything Else

…God did not intend for you to walk that path alone.

First, He is always with you on your journey so be intentional in engaging with Him through prayer, worship, and reading your Bible. Cry out to God and tell Him everything on your heart and mind. He can handle every word and every emotion. 

Second, there are so many other people who know your journey. People who are walking or have walked that path. And these people are meant to be your people; they are meant to go along with you. 

My amazing sister-in-law Dr. Lori Mize, just so happened to be out of town in Blue Mountain Beach Florida last week. She was attending and speaking at a retreat for women called Joi in Brokenness (sponsored by Mind. Body. Saltwater). They brought together women who have walked the journey no one ever wants go down: the loss of a child. Together these women shared their stories of grief and encouraged each other. And I’m sure they not only walked away with lifetime friendships but joy in the brokenness. 

So take action to find your people, your community!

Take a few moments to reflect on what journey or path you are currently walking.

What journey are you on where you don’t have community that “know that path all too well?”

Now take action to seek out people going through the same journey as you.

Even if you don’t know them yet, you will come to know them deeper than you ever thought because you will understand each other at a level in which your current friend group cannot. 

Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Find Your Community.

Rocks before Sand!


“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.  For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!”

~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Theme Song: 

Lean on Me - Bill Withers (Lyrics)

References Used:

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