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Creativity: How You Can Find It

authenticity better living career family leadership personal development Apr 29, 2023

3 minute read (7 minute  with video)
By Bethany Rees

Oh to be like a child again! 

Young children are amazing at creative thinking and play.  They are such free spirits that can easily speak truth without fear of judgment. 

They aren’t yet shackled by societal pressure to fit the mold so they are free to think creatively and free to see the world as it could be. 

Don't get so caught up in fighting the daily fires that you don't take time to reflect, think, and be creative. Be still and allow yourself time to look at your situation or problem from different angles. 

Be creative and dream! 

Unfortunately, ideas and brainstorming are often overlooked because we've become so accustomed to taking the easiest path and seeing the negative side of an idea before seeing the potential of it. 

That, or are taking time to analyze which is the best problem to solve 

I encourage you to be slow to judge ideas and open yourself to see the possibilities before seeing the obstacles. This is how problems are solved, new ideas are created, and innovation happens. 

Be a creative problem solver and innovator. Be a free thinker not shackled by a story that was written for you on what kind of person, spouse, parent, professional or friend you are supposed to be or whose shoes you are supposed to fill...embrace your true self and go write your own story. 

Embrace your creative ideas!

If you need help, here is a children’s book that will help you learn “what to do with an idea.” 

Children's Book: What do you do with an idea? (4 min video)

Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Be Creative.

Rocks before Sand!


“O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.”

~Psalm 104:24

Theme Song: 

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: Pure Imagination

References Used:

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