Family Matters: How to Be Intentional in Parenting
Jan 28, 2023
4 minute read
By Bethany Rees
I am the product of the 80s and 90s. And while I did spend most of my childhood outside, I had several shows that I just adored. Most of them being on TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday); I loved shows like Full House and Family Matters.
Beyond the problems each episode represented for its characters, there was always a reconciliation of the problem or conflict with a great parenting moment at the end.
And while I would never want a TV show to be an example of how to live life or parent, it does make you stop and think about the intentionality of the writers of those shows and how they were always teaching a lesson.
My point here is this, the writers of great TV shows are very intentional in what problem or situation the episode shares and what the moral of the story is.
So that leaves me with the question, how are we being intentional with the day-to-day stories and “coming and goings” of our own families?
Because the truth is that…Family Matters!
I’ve written about this before but it’s worth saying again:
The most important organization you will ever run is your family.
So are you leading your family like you would lead at work?
Jason and I have been very intentional in establishing who we are as family and what we believe and value. Here’s our family board that hangs in our kitchen to remind us of who we are as a Rees family.
But here’s the truth: Having a vision, mission and core values BUT NEVER talking about them within the teachable moments of life does nothing.
It’s in those day-to-day episodes of life where you disciple and teach the lessons and reconcile the problems, situations, and relationships.
And I’m finding a sense of urgency to ensure “the lessons” have been taught and learned now more than ever.
As the writing of this blog, I have five more months with my oldest son still living in our home, and it’s weighing on me. All the days and nights left and whether or not he is firmly established in “the lessons” and reconciled within the most important situations and relationships before living on his own.
So Jason and I decided to write out episodes with teachable moments in which we can reconcile those important lessons learned before he leaves her house.
As a side note, “more is caught than taught” so we pray we’ve modeled all of the lessons in how we live daily…but here we are being intentional in explaining “how we live and make decisions.” We are teaching the “why behind the what” of who the Rees Family is and what we do.
Each month left with our son has an “episode” theme where we talk about specific situations he’s been in or will be in, and we are sharing the words or tools he needs to reconcile the situation.
Here’s a sampling of our “Family Matters Episode Themes:”
- November: Finances
- December: Peer Pressure
- January: Faith Foundation
- February: Career Planning
- March: Home/Car Care Basics
- April: Relationships
- May: Planning Life Events
- June: Transitioning into Adulthood
- July: The Rope is Yours
- August: The Plan for Financial Independence from Mom/Dad
While this season has me saying goodbye to my son's childhood, and hello to his independence as an adult, it’s more about being intentional in discipleship for his success than me crying over “my baby moving out.”
So what season are you going through?
What “episodes” do you need to be intentional in writing to teach the lessons your kids need?
Don’t wait any longer hoping they learn a lesson, be intentional in sharing it now.
Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. TEACH THE LESSONS.
Rocks before Sand!
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
~Proverbs 22:6
Theme Song:
Sanctus Real - Lead Me (Lyrics)
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