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Building a Family Tradition

family Dec 10, 2022
family traditions Christmas

3 minute read (+6 min videos)
By Bethany Rees

Does your family have traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation? 

In my family, one tradition we have is eating a big ol’ chocolate gravy and biscuit breakfast when we get together. Yes you heard me right, we eat chocolate gravy on our biscuits. 

We even have a family cookbook that my Aunt Rhonda made to preserve all our family food stories, traditions and recipes. 


 You can tell, this family recipe book is well loved and therefore worn.

Maybe your family is like Clark Griswold and hosts a “Fun Old Fashioned Family Christmas” where you have the "hap hap happiest Christmas." 

Or like the Costanza's, maybe your family schedules a “Festivus For the Rest of Us”

Whether you intentionally have holiday traditions or not…you definitely have family traditions. 

Family traditions in the way you speak, think, tell stories, interact…and in what you value. 

The old adage of “more is caught than taught” is true!

So whether you like it or not, you are passing down a lot of traditions to your children and your children’s children.  And while you may be a “pot calling the kettle black,” remember that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 

Hank Williams Jr. had it right in his song…“Stop and think it over, try and put yourself in my unique position. If I get stoned and sing all night long, it's a family tradition!”


So as you get together with your family this Christmas, think about what traditions, language, values, and behaviors you’re really passing down. 


Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Build POSITIVE Family Traditions.

Rocks before Sand!


“Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

~Proverbs 22:6

Theme Song: 

Family Tradition by Hank Williams Jr.

References Used:

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