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How to Prepare for Life's Big Launch: Prep, Pep Talks, & Support

better living community family parenting Sep 14, 2024

4 minute read 
by Bethany Rees

Uncharted Waters

Life is like an endless series of launching new ships into uncharted waters, and let's be honest, sometimes it feels like we’re all just trying not to sink. Whether you’re a parent, educator, friend, or colleague, helping someone prepare for their next big adventure is a bit like being the unsung hero of a nautical epic—minus the sea shanties.

Making Preparations

Just like a ship requires meticulous preparation before setting sail, so too does a person need guidance and support before embarking on a new season of life.

The preparation phase is crucial. Think of it as the ship’s pre-launch checklist: Is the hull in good shape? Are the crew members adequately caffeinated? 

For people, this translates to providing emotional, mental, and practical support. Picture it as equipping them with a GPS, a well-stocked first aid kit, and a treasure map that ideally doesn’t lead to a deserted island.

For instance, my family is knee-deep in preparation mode as we get ready to launch my 19-year-old son, Austin, into basic training for the military. 


We’ve tackled everything from financial planning to emotional pep talks. And believe me, those pep talks have been more like emotional wrestling matches, as we navigate the fine line between encouragement and the dreaded "Mom, stop, you’re embarrassing me" moments. It’s a balance of making sure he feels ready while not turning into a full-on motivational speaker.

(This wall is filled with pictures of how he’s been preparing for the military his whole life. It has some hilarious pictures in it and yes I cried when I put it up.)

The Launch

Then comes the launch itself. The day Austin leaves will be a bit like the final scene in every coming-of-age movie—complete with the dramatic music and a tear or two. It’s a mix of pride, anxiety, and a sudden realization that we’ve just handed him over to the great unknown. I keep telling myself that if he can survive basic training, he can certainly survive in the world beyond it.

The Support & Encouragement

Of course, once he’s off, our job isn’t done. It’s crucial to continue supporting him as he navigates this new journey. We’ll be his virtual crew, sending letters, dodging the urge to send daily care packages, and providing a steady stream of “You’ve got this!” pep talks. 

(All the family and friends at his going away party wrote postcards of encouragement that we will send to him in boot camp.)

Think of it as our version of adjusting the sails—minus the actual sailing, since we're firmly anchored here at home.

As we prepare others for their launches, we need to be intentional and a little bit witty. Our goal is to help them face their new challenges with confidence and, hopefully, a sense of humor. 

Let’s remember that life’s transitions, while daunting, are also ripe with opportunities for growth, laughter, and perhaps the occasional embarrassing photo that will come back to haunt them.

So, here’s to all the upcoming launches, whether they’re into the military, a new job, or just navigating through adulthood. May we be the supportive crew they need, the navigators of their journey, and the cheerleaders who remind them that even in the toughest waters, they’re never alone. And as for Austin, here’s to a new chapter full of adventure—and fewer embarrassing pep talks.

(This was his play uniform when he was 8-10 years old)


Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Prepare for the Launches.

Rocks before Sand!


fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,     I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10

Theme Song: 

Lee Greenwood - God Bless the U.S.A.


References Used:

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