Christ Más : Making Room for More Christ in Christmas
Dec 05, 2024
4 minute read
by Bethany Rees
I took Spanish in high school and college, and I loved every minute of it. There was something so exciting about learning new words, being able to express a thought in another language, and seeing the world through a slightly different lens. One of the first words I learned to love was “más”—it means “more.” And más is a word that just opens the door to endless possibilities.
More time? Más tiempo.
More food? Más comida.
As an adult, let’s be honest—una más cerveza y margarita, por favor! (One more beer and margarita please.)
But one day, I had a realization. The word más is right there in ChristMAS. And that got me thinking. Christmas should mean "more Christ."
(Note: Christmas actually comes from the phrase "Cristes Maesse" [Latin], which means "Christ's Mass", but I don’t speak Latin so my “revelation” came in the Spanish language. 😂)
It seems like every year, we add more “stuff” to Christmas—more shopping, more decorating, more Pinterest-perfect meals and matching pajamas for family photos.
While those things can be fun, they can also make it way too easy to lose sight of the “why” behind the season. We can end up with a Christmas that’s full of decorations, full of gifts, and full of stress—but where is Christ in the midst of all that?
The real heart of Christmas is Christ coming as fully God and fully man to redeem us, to bring hope and joy, and to offer us the greatest gift: salvation. The “what” of Christmas is the celebration. But the “why”? That’s Jesus, Emmanuel—God with us.
This year, as I hang the ornaments, wrap the gifts, and plan the meals, I’m going to be intentional about putting más (more) Christ in my Christmas. Instead of getting swept up in the chaos, I’m going to pause, remember why we celebrate, and try to reflect Christ’s love in everything I do. It might mean finding quiet moments to pray, choosing gifts with meaning, or even just offering grace in a season that can be full of pressure.
Let’s make this Christmas one where more Christ isn’t just an idea—but a real, intentional part of how we celebrate. Merry Christmás!
Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. Put more Christ in your Christmás.
Rocks before Sand!
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” ~ Luke 2:11
Theme Song:
References Used:
- The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
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