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My Own Worst Enemy

authenticity faith growth reflection Feb 04, 2023

3 minute read
By Bethany Rees

Here’s a truth I can’t deny: I am my own worst enemy!

It’s my desire to blend in that keeps me from speaking out about things that matter. 

It’s my selfishness that keeps me from seeing a brother or sister in need.

It’s my pride that keeps me blinded to my own faults and in conflict with others.

It’s my quick witted mouth that keeps me from listening. 

It’s my arrogance that keeps me from asking for help. 

It’s my desire for control that keeps me weighed down with baggage. 

It’s my spiral of toxic thoughts that keep me a victim of my circumstances. 

It’s my hunger for pleasure and comfort that keeps me lazy.

It’s my desire for affirmation and validation from others that keeps me focused on the unimportant things in life. 

It’s my secrets that keep me locked in a prison of isolation. 

It’s my sin that keeps me apart from my Creator and My Heavenly Father.


But God, changes everything about me!

It’s my savior Jesus Christ that covers my sin to restore my rightful place in the arms of my Creator and My Heavenly Father. 

It’s my sharing with those I trust that free me from my prison of isolation. 

It’s my identity in Christ that frees me from the siren's call of unimportant things. 

It’s my relationship with God that I no longer hunger because I have fullness and energy to serve others. 

It’s my capturing of thoughts for Christ that stills my mind and reveals God’s truths of peace and joy in all circumstances. 

It’s my surrender to Christ that allows me to lay down what burdens me. 

It’s my vulnerability that allows me to seek the help of others. 

It’s my love for others that allows me to be quick to listen and slow to speak.

It’s my humility that brings awareness to my sin and the desire for reconciliation.

It’s my dying to self that moves me to be the heart and hands of Christ to see and help others in need.

It’s my freedom in Christ that prompts me to preach from the mountains and valleys about the love of God. 

Know Better. Do Better. Live Better. BUT GOD!

Rocks before Sand!


The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.

~Proverbs 14:1

Theme Song: 

My Own Worst Enemy - Casting Crowns with Lyrics

References Used:

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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